Friday, 24 May 2013

Room Decorating!

Room Decorating:Part 1

We're here again with Luscious Princess Roxanne, telling us the dos and don'ts of making your room look BRILLTASTIC! Your mum tells you to tidy up, you say you'll get round to it later. Does that ever happen? Not in my eyes, it doesn't  Well, here's ways to get your room looking amazing AND spick and span at the same time!

This room is super tidy and cool at the same time. Not every room has to have just one color  With this room there are a mix of colors (green, purple, pink). The fashionable bits are the cool mirrors on the wall. You wouldn't expect your room to be like this, would you? Nor would I, but i sure  would like it like this!
A room may be boring to tidy, but think about it a tidy room (so you don't have your mum nagging in your ear). Or a pigsty, which causes loads of hassle and grief for you and your mum.

Why on earth would you even THINK of having a messy room like this? What good  does it do? Well, other than creating drama with your family. It will ONLY get worse. EWW! Look at the horrendous site of the plain boring walls. Now that is something to be ashamed of! Clothes are lying about everywhere! this room is nowhere near up to standard, its more like a pigsty!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013


Heya, This is Candy Funky Lily with some latest chick gossip! i Decided that i haven't been posting regularly enough- I am going to change this massively! There is also another ME in the BC world!!!

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Tutorials: Part 1

This is CFLily with a tutorial - on how to make a logo and what to put on it- Roxanne gave me the idea so thanks to her! 

First, you need to make  list of things you like.

Friday, 17 May 2013


Football updates!

We're here with Luscious Princess Roxanne discussing a few topics. As you have probably guessed, throughout this article we will be discussing the latest news, (not only HHCleo's favorite sport), on football.

The Daily News The Team Of Carragher' s Leaves Anfield Jamie Carragher, 35 , played his last game for Liverpool Football Club yesterday evening before retiring. The world-class defender, who is from Bootle, Liverpool, is headed for a Sky Sports news career later this year.

Gerrard shall miss England games in Summer with shoulder injury.

And that's the latest news on Footie Facts!

-With thanks from Happy Helper Cleo xoxoxox. You really are amazing.

Chat Icons!

Blue Chicks have noticed that the icons on chit-chat have recently changed, for pictures of the chicks to the chick's name. In this post i will tell yo how to do the most recent chat icons!!...

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Best Friends For Life!!!

BFFs 4 Life!

We all have BFFs, right? It wouldn't be normal if you didn't have BFFs. BFFs are the people who make you laugh a little louder, smile a little brighter and live a little better. No matter what, they are there for you whether your life is going tough, or life down easy street....

New blog partner!!!!

Hiya chicks! Blue chicks has got a brand new blog author/partner!! she is cool, fashionable and awesome! so I think she will bring out the best in this blog!!